Kid-friendly Red Velvet Shakes Recipe - Sticky Fingers Cooking
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Recipe: Red Velvet Shakes

Recipe: Red Velvet Shakes

Red Velvet Shakes

by Erin Fletter
Photo by Danang Zulkarnain/
prep time
5 minutes
cook time
4-6 servings

Equipment Checklist

  • Blender (or pitcher + immersion blender)
  • Liquid measuring cup
  • Measuring spoons


Red Velvet Shakes

  • 3 C milk **(for DAIRY ALLERGY sub dairy-free/nut-free milk)**
  • 3 T pure unsweetened cocoa powder **(for DAIRY ALLERGY check label for small amounts of dairy; for CHOCOLATE ALLERGY sub carob powder)**
  • 5 T sugar/honey/agave syrup
  • 1/2 C cooked or canned beets (no pickled beets!)
  • 1 handful chocolate chips **(for CHOCOLATE ALLERGY sub carob chips; for DAIRY/NUT/SOY ALLERGY use Enjoy Life brand chocolate chips)**
  • 2 C ice

Food Allergen Substitutions

Red Velvet Shakes

  • Dairy: Substitute dairy-free/nut-free milk. 
  • Chocolate: Substitute carob powder for cocoa powder. Substitute carob chips for chocolate chips.
  • Dairy/Nut/Soy: Use Enjoy Life brand chocolate chips.


Red Velvet Shakes

measure + blend

In a blender (or pitcher for use with an immersion blender), have your kids measure and combine 3 cups milk, 3 tablespoons cocoa powder, 5 tablespoons sugar, **1/2 cup beets*, and 1 handful of chocolate chips. Blend until smooth.

add + blend

Add 2 cups of ice and blend again. Pour into cups and enjoy!

Lettuce Joke Around

What do you call a happy vegetable? 

Up Beet.

THYME for a Laugh

"Knock, knock!" 

"Who’s there?" 


"Imogen who?" 

"I can’t imogen life without chocolate!"

THYME for a Laugh

What did the Red Velvet Cake say to the artificial red food dye? 

"Just BEET it!"

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