Sticky Notes - Sticky Fingers Cooking Gives Back: Volunteering at Metro Caring!
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Sticky Fingers Cooking Gives Back: Volunteering at Metro Caring!

April 11, 2024 by Emily Moore

Volunteering at Metro Caring

April is National Volunteer Month—a month that emphasizes the importance of community engagement and the fight against hunger. Volunteering at local food distribution centers is a popular activity among Sticky Fingers Cooking employees. Recently, members of our director team spent a meaningful day volunteering at Metro Caring, one of Denver’s largest food banks. 

Our bond with Metro Caring is personal and runs deep! Our  founder, Erin’s daughter Ava was a regular face there, volunteering for four years. With Metro Caring offering such a bounty of fresh produce to clients, Ava often handed out Sticky Fingers Cooking recipes—because, let’s be honest, not everyone knows what to do with three eggplants!

Metro Caring: Even More Than a Community Food Bank

In addition to providing food, Metro Caring tackles the underlying issues that lead to food insecurity, including unaffordable housing, low wages, the industrialized food system, and historical inequalities. Alongside a bustling fresh foods market, Metro Caring hosts a teaching garden and offers classes in nutrition and healthy living.

The Volunteer Experience 

Walking into Metro Caring, the atmosphere is abuzz with activity. From the gentle hum of conversations to the sound of crates being stacked and unboxed. The space is compact and full of volunteers, each dedicated to a unique task. The atmosphere pulses with dedication and purpose.

Following a warm and informative orientation, the Sticky Fingers Cooking team and other volunteers were assigned to different workstations. Kimberly washed crates; Katie and Heather stocked dry goods and bread (which, by the way, always runs out first!); and Caroline worked in the produce section, arranging fresh produce and talking with the customers as they shopped.

Reflections and Takeaways

For our team, the day at Metro Caring was about more than volunteering and more than stocking shelves. It was a poignant reminder of the power of community. Heather, a regular volunteer at Food Bank of the Rockies, reflected, “Metro Caring was different from Food Bank of the Rockies in that the clients were able to shop for themselves just like anyone in a typical grocery store but at a fraction of the price.  What a blessing!” Erin, added, “Our mission at Sticky Fingers Cooking is about more than teaching kids to cook; it’s about nourishing bodies, minds, and communities. Seeing my team’s dedication at Metro Caring makes me very proud because it showcases their commitment to making a positive impact in our community.”

Join the Movement!

If you’re considering volunteering at a local food bank, Feeding America and are two platforms to explore. Kudos to Kimberly, Katie, Heather, and Caroline, for lending your energy and talent to support our community, and big thanks to Metro Caring for letting us participate in your mission!

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