Sticky Notes - Celebrating Earth Day: Top Tips to Reduce Your Kitchen’s Carbon Footprint
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Celebrating Earth Day: Top Tips to Reduce Your Kitchen’s Carbon Footprint

April 17, 2024 by Emily Moore
  • What kind of plant grows on your hand? Palm trees!
  • How does the ocean say hello? It waves!
  • What did one raindrop say to the other? Two's company, three's a cloud!

Wondering how to celebrate Earth Day with your little chefs? Here are our top tips for creating a lower-waste, eco-friendlier kitchen!

1. Meatless Mondays
Consider jumpstarting your week with plant-based meals. Even a small decrease in your family’s weekly meat intake benefits the environment. A 2022 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that replacing beef in a meal with a meatless alternative can reduce your carbon footprint by almost half for that day. Half! Just imagine the collective impact if you enlist your friends and family! It’s one of the most impactful steps you can take for planetary health! Explore our vast collection of plant-forward, kid-friendly, FREE recipes on the Sticky Fingers Cooking website!

2. Shop for Produce That’s Local and In-Season

​​​​​​​The seasonality of food refers to the time when the produce is at its peak. Eating with the seasons benefits the planet because when produce is grown and consumed in conditions where it naturally thrives, there’s no need for long-distance food transportation, reducing carbon emissions. As a bonus, seasonal foods are often grown locally, supporting farmers in your community. Bonus: in-season, locally grown foods tend to be more recently harvested, which means they provide more nutritional value for you and your family!​​​​​​​

3. Compost Organic Waste
Turn kitchen scraps and leftovers into valuable compost for your garden! Composting decreases methane emissions from landfills and enriches soil health, which helps counteract carbon emissions. It’s also a great way to engage your children in the science behind decomposition, nutrient cycles, and the importance of reducing waste. It’s a hands-on lesson in sustainability that can inspire a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship.

4. Plan Meals to Minimize Waste
According to the hunger-relief nonprofit Feeding America, around 38% of the food supply in the U.S. goes to waste, resulting in billions of meals’ worth of food rotting in landfills and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. If you’re concerned, take action: start planning your meals! This simple step reduces waste, cuts methane emissions, and keeps more money in your pocket!

5. Eco-Friendly Lunchboxes
With so many stylish, sustainable containers available, transitioning away from single-use plastic has become incredibly convenient and accessible! Instead of buying a new lunchbox every year, why not opt for something neutral that can outlast all the trends? Maybe refresh it annually with stickers or have a family contest to see who can use their lunch box for the most years! 

6. Regrow Herbs and Veggies on Your Windowsill
You don't need a sprawling outdoor space to start your own mini science experiment. All you need is a sunny windowsill! Simply gather certain kitchen scraps (green onion roots, lettuce bases, and herb stems all work great!), place in water in a sunny spot, and watch your new garden grow!


With these easy-peasy eco-tips, we’re not just cutting waste; we’re stirring up fun and learning with every little action. High five for our beautiful planet!


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